This evening, as the light of day withdrew, an Australian magpie sang its mournful carol, bush stone-curlews wailed their despairing cries on the golf course, and flocks of little corellas nagged and fussed with wavering voices while seeking roosts in tall gum trees on the course. I first observed such flocks of corellas here, while running and walking the parkway in early January. Then, I thought they resembled oversized, white blossoms drooping from tree branches, their voices evoking an image of nagging, little old ladies at a hen party. In January, also, huge red-tailed black-cockatoos cruised over the city, and I thought them dark knights issuing orders in ringing, trumpet voices. They faded in numbers during the dry months, but have returned, their long wings whooshing, their brassy, vibrato voices calling. We’ve nearly come full circle. Here’s Avian Portraits II.

Wedge-tailed Eagle, Cunyu Station, Western Australia (© Vilis Nams)

Crested Pigeon, Bundaberg, Queensland (© Vilis Nams)

Striated Pardalote, Townsville (© Magi Nams)

Black-fronted Dotterel, Yakabindi Station, Western Australia (© Vilis Nams)

Galahs, Yakabindi Station, Western Australia (© Vilis Nams)

Pied Currawong, Undara Volcanic National Park, Queensland (© Magi Nams)

Laughing Kookaburra, Eungella National Park, Queensland (© Vilis Nams)

Australian Bustard, Yakabindi Station, Western Australia (© Vilis Nams)

Barking Owl, Townsville (© Magi Nams)

Red Wattlebird, Perth, Western Australia (© Vilis Nams)

Bush Stone-curlew, Townsville (© Magi Nams)

Blue-faced Honeyeater, Yaamba, Queensland (© Vilis Nams)

Azure Kingfisher, Eungella National Park, Queensland (© Vilis Nams)

Australasian Darter (Anhinga), Townsville (© Magi Nams)