Aussie Avian Portraits II

This evening, as the light of day withdrew, an Australian magpie sang its mournful carol, bush stone-curlews wailed their despairing cries on the golf course, and flocks of little corellas nagged and ...

Bush Stone-curlew

In the Townsvillian nights, haunting wails frequently tear the darkness, causing my vivid imagination to envision ghostly figures demented by losses too great to bear crying out to the world in distre...

Bush Stone-curlew Beauty

Today, for the first time, I became frustrated with rainbow lorikeets. There were simply too many racing across  the sky above Townsville. They flocked into flowering gums and paperbarks, their shril...

Townsville Nightlife

At 6:40 p.m., Vilis and I changed our clothes to go out on the town, hunting nightlife. We pulled on long pants and long-sleeved shirts and tucked flashlights into our pockets. A duet of barking owls ...