Whether you’re looking for an armchair travel adventure or an introduction to New Zealand for your own visit, my New Zealand travel trilogy, Cry of the Kiwi: A Family’s New Zealand Adventu...
Ever wondered how to convert an image-heavy Print On Demand book into an e-pub file? This post outlines challenges I faced in going from print to e-book for Cry of the Kiwi: A Family’s New Zeala...
Book 3 of my New Zealand travel adventure trilogy Cry of the Kiwi: A Family’s New Zealand Adventure, is now available! In Tang of the Tasman Sea, my husband, two sons and I return to South Islan...
Book 2 of my travel adventure trilogy Cry of the Kiwi: A Family’s New Zealand Adventure is now available! In This Dark Sheltering Forest, my husband, our two sons and I hike over a volcano, expl...