After light rain in the night, the rainforest at Mulligan Falls exuded moisture, creating a steamy atmosphere that pervaded our clothes and senses. Sweat beaded from our skin even before we began hiki...
At 12:30 p.m., Vilis and I boarded a small, covered ferry that pounded away from Dungeness over murky, green-brown water bordered by mangroves. Grey cloud hung over our destination of Hinchinbrook Isl...
In an earlier post, I discussed the enigma of Australia’s disappearing frog species and the discovery that these disappearances were linked with an infectious skin disease called chytridiomycosi...
In the Townsvillian nights, haunting wails frequently tear the darkness, causing my vivid imagination to envision ghostly figures demented by losses too great to bear crying out to the world in distre...