Utterly weary of heat, of the intense Australian sun, and of – dare I say it! – birding, I holed up in our shaded rental house with the air conditioning on and finished reading a novel before reco...
Taking photographs from the back of a camel is no easy task, as Vilis discovered this morning when he and I toured the desert south of Alice Springs by camel. I discovered that focusing binoculars fro...
Early this morning, while Vilis hiked to Ormiston Gorge Lookout and then to the creek to retrieve his hat, forgotten there last evening, I wandered the campground and bits of the Larapinta Trail (its ...
Before dawn’s first light, Vilis and I arose from our bed, breakfasted, and then, with the sun creeping above the horizon as a huge red ball, drove to Ross River Dam, where we joined the Townsvi...