As a naturalist and writer, I love to speak to children about wildlife and writing, with the hope that I’ll inspire them to care for the earth, and to realize that writing can be fun. I’ve...
Nova Scotia was ablaze with autumn’s glorious hues this past Thanksgiving Weekend. To earn – and the next day, to wear off! – our Thanksgiving roast chicken dinner, Vilis and I hiked in the ...
In late May, Vilis and I spent six days based in Anchorage, on Alaska’s southwest coast. As our jet approached the city, gaps in cloud revealed range after range of snow-capped peaks and snow-st...
Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, Red foxes are pouncing where meadow voles is. Poor poetry, but true. During the past week, I’ve watched a red fox, Vulpes vulpes, hunting in the parkl...