Crested Pigeons’ Warning Whistle

While researching spinifex for yesterday’s post, I stumbled across two reports describing findings which indicate that Australia’s crested pigeon (one of two pigeons having crests in Austr...

Images from the Red Centre

In the thick heat of early morning, I briskly walked Townsville’s Ross River Parkway, my ears readjusting to the sounds of east coast dry tropics bird life, after having focused so intently on t...

Australian Shorebirds

As a birder, shorebirds are my nemesis. My discomfort with them is exceeded only by my even greater discomfort with seabirds. When it comes to the latter, I generally cringe or run in terror, although...

Making Camel Tracks in the Desert

Taking photographs from the back of a camel is no easy task, as Vilis discovered this morning when he and I toured the desert south of Alice Springs by camel. I discovered that focusing binoculars fro...