Again, possum racket woke me in the night, and I wondered, Where is that python when we need it? The dawn air was soupy, the sun’s incipient rising a faint coral smear in the east. Members of the ...
In the golden light of early morning, I ran and walked beside a river turned to amethyst and next to the lush green of the golf club, wherein plumed whistling ducks and little corellas called greeting...
On my morning run/walk, poinciana flowers were drenched flames strewn across dark pavement, and a black lab romped through pools of water adjacent to the path, enjoying the residue of last night’s d...
In mid-morning, Vilis and I met Chris Johnson in the biology building at James Cook University. Chris introduced Vilis to his office and showed us a map of Australia speckled with black dots. The dots...