This morning, as I strolled the Ross River Parkway in Townsville, poincianas painted scarlet onto feathery green, and huge, bare sandbars lay exposed in the river. Clouds brooded overhead, only fragil...
This morning, while Vilis and Janis cycled the rough overgrown track along the base of the Many Peaks Range, I quickly checked out the Townsville Town Common Conservation Park wetlands, forest, and fr...
In early morning, piles of freshly chipped bark mulch lay steaming in the cool air of Anderson Park Botanical Gardens. Dew spread silver moisture over the park’s spacious lawns decorated with gr...
Within Palmetum Park, a pair of peaceful doves pecked at the ground near the bench on which I sat making notes. I had come seeking birds and butterflies, and the doves were most obliging. Eyeing me wa...