Cloud and a cool wind accompanied me as I cycled to the Fairfield Waters wetland, keen to photograph the little black cormorant nesting colony and other avian residents of the wetland and its border o...
Western Australia, day 14 Townsville: In the wetland at Fairfield Waters, royal spoonbills perched in a flat-topped tree, the morning sun brilliant on their white feathers. In the shade of massive rai...
Western Australia, Day 5 Townsville: A blustery wind and cool morning air accompanied me as I cycled to Lake Fairfield in the suburb of Idalia. Flocks of zebra finches flew from tree to tree along the...
Autumn darkness lifted into a late dawn muted by gentle rain. Wanting to explore with my camera, I worked indoors until mid-morning, and then, when the rain became sporadic drizzle, cycled into unknow...