The Stolen Generations

There was wind this morning, blessed wind that swept over the Ross River Parkway, refreshing me as I ran and seeming to wipe away Townsville’s summer humidity. Drizzle speckled my skin and clothes a...

Dictated by the Wet

I saw my first crocodile warning sign this morning at a concrete boat ramp giving access to the Ross River in Railway Estate. Warning! It shouted. Achtung! The horizontal, yellow sign showed a styliz...

Aussie Domestic Wildlife and Invading Crocs

When I awoke and heard rain pouring down outdoors, I couldn’t bear the thought of running drenched in the darkness this morning. I especially couldn’t bear the thought of sodden shoes and clot...

Bicentennial Park, Townsville

Although it’s said that familiarity breeds contempt, I’d say it more commonly breeds a lack of appreciation. This morning, I abandoned plans to cycle along the parkway because of impending downpou...