Palmetum Park, Townsville

While darkness still lingered beneath trees, I cycled away from the house and into the open twilight of streets and the river park. The river was quiet, withdrawn from shores it had flooded so deeply ...

Ten Canoes (the Movie) and Dingo Research

This morning, I ran and walked at dawn, hoping to beat the sun, which again bathes North Queensland after her stormy affairs with Tropical Cyclones Neville and Olga. My destination was the same as yes...

Australian Skinks

When I left the house at 6 a.m., I spotted honeyeaters congregated on overhead wires, silent, awaiting the sun. And today, like yesterday, we did have sun, the sky mostly clear, the air still and warm...

After the Monsoon Low

The sunshine that greeted us this morning was unexpected, as though no storm harbouring such a furious deluge of moisture as that we experienced yesterday would give way to anything, even the sun. Yet...