Today, I played hookey from my desk. Instead of writing, I reveled in unexpectedly mild temperatures and bestowed last-minute-before-winter care on my yard. I clipped and removed old growth from eight...
Each autumn, Wentworth Valley beckons Vilis and me to hike hills cloaked with maples, beeches, birches, and scattered conifers, the deciduous trees’ leaves painting the landscape with the flamin...
Spurred on by our hiking adventure yesterday and loathe to devote this gloriously warm Thanksgiving Day to the mundane, Vilis and I hoisted a Grumman canoe atop our Ranger, dropped it off on the bank ...
Like royalty with the world at our feet, Vilis and I hiked for two hours through Nova Scotian hardwood forest this afternoon. We climbed hills, walked ridges, slopped through a meadow flooded as a res...