Two serendipitous observations led me to explore the story of Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer and the coelacanth, possibly the greatest scientific find of the twentieth century. Recently, while Vili...
Spectacular views of the Amathole Mountains capped a day of winter birding at Fort Fordyce Nature Reserve that yielded up-close views of Afromontane forest birds, including glorious male collared and ...
The varied habitats and plantings in Makana Botanical Gardens, Grahamstown, are a magnet for birds, human lovers of green spaces and for rock dassies that sun themselves on exposed rock ledges. ...
Birding in Frontier Country, Eastern Cape, on a winter day took us into Burchell Game Reserve and onto rugged backcountry roads. Great views, great birds and great fun! At 7 a.m. on Saturday mo...