In the dimming light of approaching dusk last evening, I walked down the steep hill from our house with the intention of collecting mail from our mailbox. At the base of the hill, I stopped in my trac...
With the threat of rain in the forecast, I tilled a patch of well-drained soil early this morning and planted a salad garden in it – spinach, Romaine and leaf lettuces, Swiss chard, beets, red onion...
This morning, while I ran on roads through woods and clearings, I was serenaded by the early songsters of the Nova Scotian spring dawn chorus – American robins, ruby-crowned kinglet, song sparrow, h...
On a hunt for early warblers, I drove this morning in sun and wind to Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area, a freshwater marsh located on the north shore of Nova Scotia about 35 kilometres west of Tatam...