Clear sky, mellow cricket songs, and the rousing “chow-chow-chows” and rollicking warbles of a male chowchilla blasting at high volume in the rainforest behind our Paluma Dreaming unit gre...
Autumn darkness lifted into a late dawn muted by gentle rain. Wanting to explore with my camera, I worked indoors until mid-morning, and then, when the rain became sporadic drizzle, cycled into unknow...
So often lately, I have felt driven. Driven to run, driven to cycle, driven to write. This morning, I set all that aside and simply walked and looked for birds. Around me, a sweetness pervaded ...
This morning, driven by some inner need to walk, I devoted two hours to an excursion to the Anderson Park Botanical Gardens, followed by another two hours in the Ross River Parkway. After yesterday af...