Rainbow Bee-eaters

This morning, I strolled Townsville’s Ross River Parkway in sun-warmed breezes, drinking in the sight of glossy, new leaves on fig and bottle trees, and the colourful profusion of parkway birds....

Rainforest Scenes from Paluma, North Queensland

Since this was Janis’s second-last day in Australia, Vilis and I took him to our favourite haunt, the rainforest at Paluma, a tiny village set atop the Paluma Range in North Queensland, a mere 8...

TRBOC Ross Lake Cruise

Birding and breakfast were the orders of the morning, since the Townsville Region Bird Observers Club had organized a cruise on Ross Lake and Ross River to be followed by breakfast on the shore of the...

Birding at Townsville Town Common Conservation Park

As a reward for catching up my blog posts earlier this week, I spent much of the morning birding at the Townsville Town Common Conservation Park, a huge wetland and forest park on the outskirts of Tow...