Late Winter Birding in Truro, Nova Scotia

Two days ago, the world beyond my windows looked like the photo to ther right. Today, wild winds and rain melted vast quantities of snow and left stretches of our access road muddy, puddle-filled or i...

Great Backyard Bird Count

In the midst of the Great White North’s shortest month, the Great Backyard Bird Count offered me a welcome reprive from February blahs. During the past four days, I spent hours scanning my yard,...

3 Intriguing Bird Behaviour Videos

This morning, I walked with Pepper in calm, still cold before sunrise, the -15°C air fresh and biting. New snow blanketed our access road, the white stuff embossed with amorphous hollows created by c...

Australian Bowerbird Artistry

During our year in Australia, Vilis and I observed three species of bowerbirds, the males of which build and decorate courtship bowers and arrange display courts to attract potential mates. In Townsvi...