Soldier Crabs and Beach Stone-curlews

While exploring Hinchinbrook Island’s east coast beaches during our backpacking adventure on the Thorsborne Trail, Vilis and I were fascinated by intriguing collections of small balls arranged i...

Bush Stone-curlew

In the Townsvillian nights, haunting wails frequently tear the darkness, causing my vivid imagination to envision ghostly figures demented by losses too great to bear crying out to the world in distre...

About Emus

Yesterday, I was thrilled when I spotted three emus peacefully strolling over a grassy highway verge near Ravenswood in north Queenslad. However, as Vilis and I quietly walked alongside them at the ed...

Burdekin Falls Dam and Lake Dalrymple, Queensland

I had read and heard that the Burdekin Dam south of Townsville is a good area for birding (particularly for sightings of emus, ground cuckoo-shrikes, and spotted bowerbirds), so I suggested to Vilis y...