Rainbow Bee-eaters

This morning, I strolled Townsville’s Ross River Parkway in sun-warmed breezes, drinking in the sight of glossy, new leaves on fig and bottle trees, and the colourful profusion of parkway birds....

‘Celebrating Research at JCU’

In the breezy heat of a Townsville spring mid-afternoon, I cycled to James Cook University to attend a university-wide 3-minute research presentation competition. This event was the kick-off for a mon...

The Significance of ‘Bush’

During the eight months we’ve lived in Australia, Vilis and I have frequently encountered the word ‘bush’ and various permutations of it. Take for example the devastating Black Satur...

‘Is Queensland Different?’

Last evening, Vilis, Janis, and I attended another of the Queensland History Lecture Series hosted by the Townsville City Libraries. This seminar had the catchy title ‘Is Queensland Different?&#...