In the avian world, the term ‘big foot’ bears no relation whatsoever to the mythical sasquatch of the Pacific northwest, but rather refers to the Megapodiidae (mega = big; pod = foot), an ...
HAPPY EARTH DAY! Brilliant sun pours down onto Nova Scotia, melting the last of the snow, warming the soil, and awakening tulips and daffodils. The lawn is greening and growing before my eyes, its pho...
Almost a month beyond the vernal equinox, American robins belt out their melodic ‘cheerio-cheeriup-cheerio’ as night creeps into day. Juncos trill monotonic territorial defence proclamatio...
With their interlacing roots forming lattice-like columns encircling host trees, strangler figs are striking components of tropical rainforests in many regions of the world. All strangler figs belong ...