Australian Birds: Crested Pigeon

Australia’s gorgeous crested pigeon has a slim, black crest, bright red feet, and uses wing whistles to warn flock members of danger.   This week we return to Australia for our featured bir...

Canadian Birds: Black-capped Chickadee

Perky, inquisitive and confiding, the black-capped chickadee is one of North America’s best known and loved avian species.   This week’s featured bird is the black-capped chickadee, P...

Australian Birds: Southern Cassowary

Stocky and shaggy, the southern cassowary sports a casque atop its head and disperses fruit and berry seeds in Australian wet tropics rainforests.   For this week’s featured bird, we’...

Hiking in Canada: Cape Split, Nova Scotia

If you’re looking for a moderately challenging Nova Scotia backcountry hike that offers fantastic views, Cape Split is definitely the place to go! Cape Split Provincial Park Reserve is a 447-hec...